Our dedicated aftercare team is on hand to look after your products and provide any advice – for as long as they remain yours.


We are committed to providing exceptional service, and that continues long after your new windows, doors, or living space has been fitted. Our team is on hand to give you any help and support.

If that’s the case, please get in touch.

Envisage Flush Windows - Monkey Tail Handle


Knowing how to clean for and care for your products is important.

To help, we’ve created a bespoke Care & Maintenance Guide that’s jam-packed with hints and tips on keeping everything looking and performing at their best for years to come. Check out our  Helpful Guides section for more.

Aftercare - Cleaning


Condensation appears when vapour in the air meets a cold surface. In our homes, this can be tiles, a mirror, or the glass panes of a window.

It’s a common misconception that condensation forming means that there is something wrong with the window. In reality, the opposite is the case. The condensation shows that the window is keeping the air from escaping.

For more information on condensation, please visit our Helpful Guides section.

Aftercare Condensation

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Try before you buy at our new showroom in Nottingham. Browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.

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Should a lock become troublesome, or a door not operate as smoothly as it once did then our Aftercare department will be there to fix the issue. Just call us or send a request through for a service visit. It’s that simple.

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